Turmeric whole (Turmeric) 1 kg Turmeric is a folk remedy for diseases of the liver, kidneys, cholelithiasis, stomach ulcer, decreased appetite, irregular menstruation, to improve digestion, enhance gastric secretion, increase antitoxic liver function, regulate cholesterol levels in the blood. Latin name: Curcuma longa. English name: Turmeric. Family: Ginger - Zingiberaceae. Synonyms: yellow ginger, turmeric. Pharmacy name: turmeric rhizome - Curcumae longae rhizoma. Turmeric parts used: rhizome. Botanical description: turmeric is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 90 cm tall with alternating simple oval leaves. Tuberous, rhizome up to 4 cm in diameter, yellowish-gray gives the aboveground part of the plant from the apical bud. The aboveground part of turmeric consists of several oblong basal leaves. Flowers develop in the middle part of the peduncle. The flowers are tubular yellow with a three-lobed bend.
General characteristics
Expiration date
720 days
Country of origin
India ⠀
Turmeric (Corcuma Longa)
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