An annual plant, with a single stem 40 to 120 cm high, dark green in color.
Taste and aroma
Dill has a strong spicy refreshing taste and smell.
Top Quality Guaranteed
Dried upper leaves of intense green color.??
Historical facts
For some unknown reason, almost all famous ancient physicians, including the great Avicenna, considered excessive and prolonged use of dill harmful to the brain and argued that large doses of it cause visual impairment.
Roman gladiators always flavored their food with dill oil before the fight, no doubt that it would certainly help to win.
Application in cooking
It improves the taste of food, appearance, stimulates the appetite, stimulates the secretion of the digestive glands.
The first and second courses are seasoned and decorated with fresh and dried dill. It enriches the diet with vitamins, especially vitamin C. Dry and fresh dill can be used in increased doses when stewing and frying fish, especially herring (the so-called herring in Finnish). Fresh dill leaves are used in salads, soups, sauces, gravies, various meat, fish, vegetable and mushroom dishes. In the manufacture of various canned vegetables and in pickles, the whole dill plant is used during the flowering period. The fruits are used in confectionery, for flavoring tea, vinegar, marinades.
In world culinary:
In the Middle East, dill seeds are often present in lamb and spinach dishes.
Application in medicine
medicinal properties:
Leaves and stems are used for insomnia, hypertension, as a diuretic. Fruits - in diseases of the digestive organs and liver, as a means of increasing appetite, as a sedative and expectorant in diseases of the respiratory tract. Outwardly, a decoction of the leaves is used for lotions for eye fatigue, as well as for the treatment of various skin diseases.
General characteristics
Contains sugar
Product type
Expiration date
1095 days
Storage conditions
from +2°С to +25°С in hermetically sealed package
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