The plant has been used and cultivated since ancient times as a nut plant. Hazelnuts contain about 58-71% fat, 14-18% well-digestible proteins, 2-5% sugar, vitamins B and E, iron salts [3]. The kernels are used as food raw, dried and fried (hot), used in the confectionery and other food industries; they make halva, sweets, chocolate and other products; from dry - nutritious flour. Especially a lot of sweets are prepared from them in the Caucasus.
General characteristics
Expiration date
365 days
Product type
Nutritional value
Calorie content 100 g "Nuts"
compose 704 kCal / 2945,54 KJ.
Fats — 66,9 g
Proteins — 16,1 g
Carbohydrates — 9,9 g
Hazelnuts are a supplier of easily digestible high-quality vegetable protein, which in its properties is practically not inferior to meat. The product contains vitamins of group B, E, as well as potassium, iron and other macro- and microelements necessary for the body.
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